Island 359

Dieses Thema im Forum "Steam VR Spiele" wurde erstellt von SolKutTeR, 16. August 2016.

  1. Mein erster beinahe Herzinfarkt bei Island 359 :ROFLMAO:

  2. Yeah, neue Info´s zwecks Latschen:

    [CloudGate] Jeremy [Entwickler]Vor 7 Stunden
    We are currently implementing trackpad locomotion, which has been no easy task, but we've gotten a lot of requests for it so we wanted to include it. If all goes smoothly we'll roll in out in one of the next big updates.
  3. Wollte gerade mal nen paar dinos killen, da sah ich das das neue update online ist, also spätestes jetzt müsste man zuschlagen :):

    ZERO DARK Update is now LIVE

    Community Announcements - [CloudGate] Jeremy

    Island 359- Update 2:ZERO DARKfeaturing Trackpad Locomotion, Arcade Mode, (and a T-REX!)


    Hey folks, we've updated Island 359 with some awesome new content and features! Hold onto your butts, as this is a huge update for us!

    If you’ve been waiting for any of these features below, now's a great time to buy as Island 359 is discounted by 25% during the Steam Holiday Sale!

    By popular demand, we've implemented TRACKPAD LOCOMOTION! We received a ton requests for this feature. It was clearly important to a lot of players, so we added it (in the settings menu!). We hope that fans of this locomotion style can give us some feedback on how we can tweak and tune it to be the most comfortable and balanced experience it can be. It ain’t perfect yet, but it works real good right now. You might push yourself out of the way when you lean over a crate, so be warned (be nice, it’s new!).

    We've also added a WAVE SHOOTER MODE (don't grab your pitchforks just yet; we don’t make average wave shooters). Why did we do this??? Well, a few reasons. Yes "Arcade Mode" is a great version for VR arcades to play, but it's also a great way to let your friends play at VR parties. I experienced this first hand a couple weeks ago when my wife threw holiday party for her co-workers at the house and I set up my the Vive. I showed our game like once, and it just didn't lend itself to quick "jump-in, jump-out" play sessions, and it bummed me out that there wasn't an easy to digest, quick-to-learn-and-get-going way to play our game, so that (along with what we see selling in the VR market, and responses to our smaller Show Demo builds), drove home the need for this mode for us.

    It’s 24 waves per map (Jungle, Beach, new Valley Map!), and each wave is an Hour that advances the clock. There’s at least 5 different locations within each main map, so really it’s like having…(doing math, hang on) 15 different maps to play on! And then there’s more options on top of that:

    Right now there’s two mission modifiers for Arcade Mode: Full Auto and Ranger (machine guns and bow/knife, respectively). We’ve got even more options in the pipe for this coming soon (pistols only, revolvers only, melee only? idk idk)

    NOTE: you can’t run around in Arcade Mode just yet. Shhhhh it’s okay we promise you’re going to have a gas playing this.

    The creation of Arcade Mode has also laid the groundwork for our Player Profiles and Progression System! As you progress through Arcade Mode, you'll earn credits and level up to allowing you to spend your earned credits on player or weapon upgrades. We will be making these carry over to Mercenary Modes in the near future, but we need to blow out the profile system a bit more before we can do that. The plan is that playing Arcade Mode will allow you to spend your XP on some actual inventory items that you can take with you to improve the Mercenary Mode missions, allowing you to achieve higher scores. You can level up your gun damage, reload speeds, bow distance, health (there’s even a small health regen), etc. There’s more in store for the progression menu options coming soon, but please don’t be upset with us if you lose your progression next update!. Half the fun is in the journey, anyway!

    Oh did we mention we have a Trex?? B/C WE HAVE A TREX. He's not 100% done, but he's still pretty cool. We need to do a sound effects and animation pass on him, and improve a few behaviors, but he's getting there. Currently he is featured as a boss at the end of the Valley Arcade mode (and we’re not gonna lie, it’s not exactly a cakewalk getting there), but we have a Mercenary Mission that is about 80% done (where a lot of time went during this update) but it's not quite ready for primetime - that will be your premium Rex experience, and we'll try to get that finished up in the next couple weeks. We may also make him an occasional spawn for the Big Hunt and Loot Drop missions, but we need to experiment with that first to see if it’ll work.

    We've updated the Main Menu to be a bit cleaner and less confusing, we won't force you to play the tutorial, and you can jump right into whatever kind of game you want to play in a few seconds. We really liked the "get on the chopper and fly out" thing to start missions but it was a bit too clunky, so we simplified it a lot for now, and we can look at maybe doing that again in the future.

    We’re experimenting currently with Time of Day in this update. Besides wanting to completely break your circadian rhythm, we overhauled the entire game last update, and didn’t tell anyone, to use Dynamic Lights in UE4 for a lot of reasons, but this opened up the door to play with ToD. It’s used in two places:
    • In the Arcade Mode, for dramatic effect (24 waves, 24 hours)
    • In the Main Menu, if you look up at the sky when you load in you can watch the stars moving and the moon will be trucking across the night sky.
    We fully expect Neil Degrasse Tyson to lecture us about how incorrect our night sky is for our fictional location (“That sky is what you’d see if you were in New York in January!!!”). If you stand there for 24 minutes you should see a full day/night cycle. We don’t expect you to stand at the main menu for 24 minutes.

    If people like this and we don’t see significant perf reports from folks we’ll probably add it to the Mercenary Mode maps, so that people who are able to play for long periods in one run will get a thrilling day/night experience.

    Interacts have been significantly cleaned up, and you should have an easier time picking up and using things in a natural way. Keep in mind when you have a weapon in your hand that you still need to touch the object with where your hand is, not the gun. We’re planning on tweaking that later, even we sometimes expect the weapon to do the interact.

    Graphics options ACTUALLY save now - this was announced a month or so back, and we managed to break it in the last build weI made before we uploaded (sorrryyyyyy), and it SEEMED to be working, but obviously we didn't test it thoroughly enough, and we apologize for that. After some rework, it appears to be working as expected. Please let us know if you are having issues with it.

    We added a "Quit" button to the pause menu by request, as the only way to quit the app previously was to hit the escape key on the keyboard, but why leave VR? So we added that as well.

    You also have HANDS now. Unfortunately it's more difficult than it should be to tell exactly which controller is left/right in Unreal. We're doing a check at the beginning of the game, but if your hands are crossed it messes it up. I've added a "reset hands" button to the settings menu, which you can use to reset your hands to their proper settings. This is temporary until we can find a more seamless solution.

    We added a lot of new features to this update, and had to rebuild a lot of systems from the ground up.

    We're looking for your feedback on the new trackpad movement - how's the speed? Should we reduce the acceleration? Are you able to do most of the things you want to do with it? Does Arcade Mode feel balanced? What can we do to improve the experience (don’t say multiplayer as we’ve heard that takes at least a week)? Swing by the Community Forum and leave notes in a ZERO DARK feedback thread!

    Some KNOWN ISSUES that we are working to remedy:

    • We probably need a jump feature for Trackpad movement to let you get on rocks and logs, but we weren't sure how this would feel for people. We could try some kind of a climb mechanic with this possibly
    • The blocking volume for the player in trackpad mode will prevent you from putting your head too far over the loot crates, and will push you back. I'm still working on a workaround for this, for now just bear with us as we try to find the best solution.
    • The dinos will disappear at the end of an arcade wave. We'll change this soon to either have dinos run away, or base the round end on killing the last spawned dino. But vanishing dinos works for now
    • Triceratops needs some work in Arcade Mode, he's kind of OP right now.
    • We want to add some swerving to his motion to hopefully allow more body shots. Might
      The Hand swapping issue as mentioned above
    • Hands need to point for all menus, only doing it for some currently
    • If it looks blurry than usual, I switched over to Temporal Anti Aliasing for now. Going to make FXAA and TXAA toggleable in the graphics menu
    • Performance may not be awesome on low end cards, we still need to optimize a lot of things.
    • We're going to look into updating the project to Unreal Engine 4.14 soon to take advantage of some new rendering features that should help the look and performance.
    nettes Weihnachtsgeschenk :)
  4. Taugt das denn was ? Ich meine, wenn man schon Ark hat und bald Robinson rauskommt, braucht man das ? Ich bin da weniger die Action Dino Killer Maschine sondern mehr der "Alien der Film" atmosphären Genießer. Darum werde ich mir vermutlich sogar Ark Park antun, praktisch Jurassic Park ohne das was schiefgegangen ist...
  5. Äpfel und Birnen... ^^ Das ist wirklich nen guter Shooter bei denen das teleporten echt gut klappt.
  6. Jop und jetzt ohne teleporten, die trackpad steuerung ist genial...nen t-rex habe ich allerdings noch nicht gesehen. Robinson ist doch nen Adventure, eher sowas wie solus oder? das hier ist eher jurrasic park ohne den park....
  7. Hallo zusammen,

    spielt jemand von euch Island 359 und hat zur Vive noch die Ocukus CV1 am Rechner angeschlossen?
    Ich kann Island 359 leider nicht mit der Vive verwenden da beim Start automatisch die Oculus Runtime gestartet wird und er versucht das Spiel auf der CV1 auszugeben. Einzige Möglichkeit wäre wohl die CV1 am PC physisch zu entfernen was ich aber nicht möchte.
    Kennt evtl. jemand dieses Verhalten und einen Trick wie ich Island 359 dazu überreden kann die Vive zu verwenden?
    Das ist bisher die einzige Anwendung bei der ich dieses Problem habe. Merkwürdig, zumal Island 359 die Oculus offiziell gar nicht unterstützt.

    Viele Grüße, Jürgen
  8. Mal versucht, den Oculus Dienst zu beenden? (taskmanager -> ovrserver.exe und servielauncher)
  9. Danke Syndroid für die schnelle Antwort.
    Ich dachte ich hätte das schon versucht, hatte aber evtl. nur einen der beiden Dienste beendet.
    Mit dem Beenden der beiden Dienste ist das Problem auf jeden Fall behoben.

    Viele Grüße und Danke, Jürgen
  10. Ich habe mir nun das neue Beta Update für Full Body Tracking angeschaut.
    Dazu habe ich mir 1 Vive Tracker auf den Rücken und 2 Vive Tracker an die Füße montiert.
    Ich kann euch sagen, das fühlt sich unglaublich geil an und ich hoffe es werden bald noch viel mehr Spiele unterstützt von den Trackern!
    Hier mein Gameplay zum Spiel mit den Trackern und TPCast: