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Orbulus available for Cardboard, Gear or Dive in Google Play (5* app)

Dieses Thema im Forum "VR Spiele & Experiences" wurde erstellt von unclebob, 16. Juli 2014.

  1. Hallo Leute

    langsam voran in der Welt des VR.

    Haben ein kleines Unternehmen http://www.VRCraftworks.com eingestellt.

    Die Absicht ist es, kleine Stücke, die von den Möglichkeiten der VR HMDs zeigen und organisch zu einem gewissen erstaunlich un Gedanken von Anwendungen führen zu bauen.

    Der Aufbau einer Anzahl von Blöcken zu tun, führte dies zu einem einfachen, aber immersive Foto Sphere Betrachter.


    Es gibt 60 ungerade Foto Kugeln von innen zu erkunden, in die Hände frei Steuerungsumgebung.

    Bitte überprüfen Sie es aus und lassen Sie mich wissen, was Sie denken.


  2. Hallo unclebob, willkommen bei uns im Forum!
    Wenn Du Dein Projekt hier vorstellen möchtest, wäre es wohl nicht verkehrt die Rechtschreibung und den Satzbau zu kontrollieren bevor Du den Post abschickst.
    Natürlich kannst Du das auch auch im Nachhinein tun.

    So wie der Post jetzt ist, ist er jedenfalls nur schwer lesbar.
  3. Hallo unclebob, willkommen im Forum.

    @racoon, ich gehe mal davon aus, dass er Ausländer ist und wer kann schon perfekt andere Sprachen. ^^
  4. Ich dachte, Google Translate wurde gut ....(n)
  5. Hi Unclebob,

    google translate is not very good in grammar but i think we can understand what you mean. will check out your demo when my Dk2 arrives. thanks for sharing your software with us.
  6. Don't work, i can start and see the screen with the faces but thats all.
    my resulution is not Full-HD Level-6, no Rift
  7. Google Translate is good for single Words, not so really good for complete Phrases. Sometimes the Result is really bad and you couldn't understand it without many Phantasie and sometimes even that didn't help. So the most time it's better to use directly English.

    Beside that, many of use still waiting for her DK2 (like me) and have right now no Rift, there are only some of us that have a DK1 (many sell it to buy the DK2).
  8. Hi

    Sorry last time I posted my German was bad, really bad and I just posted in the Demo forum as well sorry

    Please check out Orbulus its hands free VR Photo Sphere experience for Android phones, designed for Smartphone VR Viewers and controlled simply by looking at things.

    The Photo Sphere community has produced some fantastic pieces of photography and until now have been limited to displaying them on flat screens. With the coming technologies from Oculus, Sony, Samsung, Altergaze and Durovis all that is set to change essentially putting you where the creating photographer was, in the center of the composition. What we are presenting many of the best examples of this work, with the creators permissions, for you to enjoy at your own pace.

    Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/d...tworks.Orbulus
    Youtube (in German): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Yi5ZphkmT4
    News: http://vrfocus.com/archives/7071/orb...s-google-play/

    Download, install, wait for the datapack, open, take your time and get your viewer sorted, look at stuff to interact, exit or quit is look down and enjoy.

    If you are a Photo Sphere enthusiast and are interested in this work or would like to see your work presented in this way then please do not hesitate in getting touch. If you have any suggestions or ways to improve or enhance this app, again please get in contact.

  9. Thanks for your Post.
    - I've deleted the double post in the "Demo"-Section.

    Your Link to Google Play doesn't work, is it already released?

    Photosphere is a nice an cheap way of showing amazing places to people.
    Any chance of releasing a PC version of this?