Research with the OculusRift and Dreams

Dieses Thema im Forum "VR Entwicklung" wurde erstellt von anntastic010, 9. Juli 2014.

  1. ello Oculus Rift Developers! This is an open call for participants to Participate in Video Games and Dreams Research!

    Our video game laboratory at MacEwan University in Alberta, Canada has been examining the effects of video game play on night time dreams for a decade. We have found that there are various well-being outcomes evidenced in the dreams of gamers. You can read about this work in our lab’s blog at

    We are postings to this forum hoping to find people who are working with the Rift who are willing to tell us about their experiences and their related dreams. We think that the enhanced presence experienced in VR, available through using the Rift, will further enhance the types of dreams we have been finding in non-VR type gaming. If you are interested in participating and have some sort of experience with the Rift please go to this website to share your experiences:

    If you have any questions please feel free to write Ann Sinyard, Student Research Assistant, Bachelor of Arts Psychology, MacEwan University, or her supervisor Jayne Gackenbach, Ph.D., Department of Psychology, MacEwan University,

    You can also PM me to get more information! Thanks alot guy! ^.^ Tell your friends!
    #1 anntastic010, 9. Juli 2014
    Zuletzt von einem Moderator bearbeitet: 11. Juli 2014
  2. Because of the science background, I will accept that thread here.

    Next time request the board crew please first!

    Good luck for the study!
  3. @anntastic010 can you please check the link. it is broken and does not lead you to any website. i will be more then willing to help you when the link is fixed. best of luck with your project.
  4. As far as I can see, this message was posted on most of the VR-related sites on the internet.
    Same text, same link (I just did a google search).

    Maybe it's a kind of spam robot?
  5. Not a robot

    I wish I was a robot! Cut and pasting is just the quickest way to make a lot of posts.

    Here is the fixed link:

    or you can use

    Thanks again!
  6. Ok sorry then ^^
    But we have to be careful nowadays.