Space Pirates and Zombies 2

Dieses Thema im Forum "Plattformübergreifende Spiele" wurde erstellt von Hammerschaedel, 10. Mai 2017.

  1. Space Pirates and Zombies 2 kriegt VR Support...


  2. VR motion controller support:

    As a final step to our VR support, we have added motion controls to SPAZ 2 VR. Richard has prepared a video linked here to explain it a bit. Even if you don't have VR, you may be able to get a bit of a sense of how SPAZ 2 feels in VR.

    YouTube™-Video: SPACE PIRATES AND ZOMBIES 2 How VR Works
    Aufrufe: 888
    We give a demo of the new VR motion controls in version 0.9.9. We currently support both VIVE and Oculus, as well as standard controllers in VR.

    One motion controller is for aiming and ship functions like boosting shields, reloading, and camera controls. The other controller is for movement, switching weapons, and switching ships. It was quite a challenge to get all the SPAZ 2 functions on the few controller buttons, but we managed it by using the grip button as a sort of “shift key.”

    Gameplay wise, shooting is definitely my favorite on the motion controls. Lazing targets is just cool. Flight wise there are three modes. Controller relative (point where you want the ship to go), Helmet relative (forward means go toward where you are looking), or Ship relative (pressing left turns you left) Find a mode that is most comfortable to you. Note: VR also allows you to use a regular XInput style controller instead of the motion controls. This behaves the same as on the flat screen.

    This version will bring our VR support to completion aside from bugs. Please please give it a try if you can and let us know if you have problems (especially with the motion controls)

    We will be marking SPAZ 2 as a VR title in the next few weeks, so at that point people will find the game when they search for VR games. Any testing that you can do before then is greatly appreciated.

    VR BETA PASSWORD: experimentalVRbeta
    #2 Hammerschaedel, 3. August 2017
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 5. August 2017