Interessanter Artikel von VentureBeat, über die Auswirkungen durch die derzeitige COVID-19 Situation im Bezug zur VR/AR Branche. How could COVID-19 change AR/VR’s future? COVID-19 is impacting the lives of billions. Early-stage technology markets like virtual and augmented reality are trivial by comparison. However, AR/VR companies are dealing with knock-on effects both positive and negative. This analysis explores the potential future for AR/VR in the context of the silent cyclone we’re all going through. Weiterlesen →
Recht interessantes Interview mit Graham Wheeler (President und General Director von HTC EMEA) von der PcGamesHardware. Wo steht eigentlich VR? Ein Interview mit HTC Im Zuge der Corona-Pandemie und der damit einhergehenden Quarantäne im Frühjahr konnte die virtuelle Realität auf Steam zulegen. Im Oktober schlossen 1,76 Prozent aller Steamnutzer ein VR-Headset an einen Gaming-Rechner an. PCGH hat deswegen mit Graham Wheeler, President und General Director von HTC EMEA, der unter anderem auch für den europäischen Markt zuständig ist, über die Zukunft von VR geredet. Das gesamte Interview Weiterlesen → Hier die Themengebiete welche abgedeckt werden: Corona-Krise und VR - der Game-Changer? Stellenwert von VR in der Videospielindustrie Entwicklung von VR in Europa und dem DACH-Raum Zukunft von VR Ganzes Interview mit Graham Wheeler
Weiteres Interview von VRFitness Insider mit Graham Wheeler (President und General Director von HTC EMEA). HTC Vive General Manager Graham Wheeler Discusses The State Of VR With 2021 well underway HTC general manager Graham Wheeler has reflected back upon the state of VR in 2020 and predicts important VR trends for 2021. He covers a variety of topics, including consumer and business VR, as well as the growing importance of emerging technologies such as 5G. All of these spheres will indirectly influence how virtual reality impacts fitness and exercise moving forward, and I also asked him for his thoughts on VR fitness and he’s given us some of his favorite, and surprising picks from Viveport, including lots of titles that are completely new to me. Weiterlesen → Themengebiete: VR Industry Consumer Industry B2B 2021 5G VR Fitness and his favorite fitness titles Viveport
Recht gute Bilanz auf Twitch bezüglich VR-Content. VR games on Twitch: great success in 2020 VR has not yet become an entertainment for the general public: although technology has advanced significantly and many new (and good!) games have been released, it is still a very expensive entertainment. However, 2020 has been a pretty successful year for VR, including its popularity on Twitch. Let’s break down which titles attracted the most attention of gamers and viewers, and which streamers were especially keen on virtual reality games. Weiterlesen → The rise of VR on Twitch Most popular VR games Which of the top streamers were especially keen on VR? Which streamers focused on VR?
Das sind doch mal gute Prognosen von Nasdaq, VR Wachstumsrate von 30,2 % jährlich. Virtual Reality Is Where the Internet Was 20 Years Ago The Internet (as we know it) has been around for a little over 20 years now. The impact it has on our day-to-day lives is unmistakable, and is most noticed by millennials and generations prior, who lived the low-tech life before going digital. Modern communication, entertainment, transportation infrastructures, and countless other industries have all been disrupted in some way shape or form, thanks to the Internet. The Evolution of VR The Future of VR Weiterlesen →
Recht interessante Studie von der TU Berlin, des Fraunhofer Institut für Offene Kommunikationssysteme und dem Weizenbaum-Institut für vernetzte Gesellschaft, bezüglich was unsere Augen alles über uns verraten, in Bezug zu Eye-Tracking sicherlich interessant/lukrativ. What Does Your Gaze Reveal About You? On the Privacy Implications of Eye Tracking Technologies to measure gaze direction and pupil reactivity have become efficient, cheap, and compact and are finding increasing use in many fields, including gaming, marketing, driver safety, military, and healthcare. Besides offer-ing numerous useful applications, the rapidly expanding technology raises serious privacy concerns. Through the lens of advanced data analytics, gaze patterns can reveal much more information than a user wishes and expects to give away. Draw-ing from a broad range of scientific disciplines, this paper provides a structured overview of personal data that can be inferred from recorded eye activities. Our analysis of the literature shows that eye tracking data may implicitly contain infor-mation about a user’s biometric identity, gender, age, ethnicity, body weight, per-sonality traits, drug consumption habits, emotional state, skills and abilities, fears, interests, and sexual preferences. Certain eye tracking measures may even reveal specific cognitive processes and can be used to diagnose various physical and mental health conditions. By portraying the richness and sensitivity of gaze data, this paper provides an important basis for consumer education, privacy impact assessments, and further research into the societal implications of eye tracking. Weiterlesen →
Recht interessanter Blogbeitrag von immersed über den virtuellen Workspace. Working From Orbit VR Productivity In (or Above) a WFA World I float in space, surrounded on all sides by a grand view of the Milky Way Galaxy. A movie-theater-sized screen hangs before me, gently curved, everything at the perfect viewing distance. Eight different panes glitter with code, facets of a technological jewel granting views into the brain of a system responsible for moving tens of millions of dollars a day. A communications console canted like a drafting table at my fingertips holds a workshop of quick-fire exchanges with my colleagues, my meeting calendar, various API references, and camera feeds of the “real” world. To my left, abutting the mammoth array of code, a two-story tall portrait display shows the specifications for the task at hand atop an ever-present Spotify playlist. I crank the tunes and get into my flow. Weiterlesen→
Recht interessanter Artikel von CNBC, welcher unter anderem auch die Neubenennung behandelt. Facebook's Meta mission was laid out in a 2018 paper declaring 'The Metaverse is ours to lose' In June 2018, Oculus executive Jason Rubin sent an email to Facebook board member Marc Andreessen with the subject line "The Metaverse." "We believe that the right way to break through consumer indifference to VR is to deliver what they expect and want from the medium: THE METAVERSE," reads the first slide of a 50-page document outlining a strategy for building a virtual world. The three-year-old document, obtained by CNBC, laid the foundation for the futuristic ambitions of Meta, the company that until now was called Facebook. CEO Mark Zuckerberg's hour-long demo on Thursday, which culminated in the announcement of the new company name, was designed to portray a very different world than the one we currently inhabit at a time when Facebook faces a non-stop barrage of negative headlines tied to the addictive nature of its social media products. Weiterlesen →
Im Grunde genommen passt es zwar eher in die Business AR Rubrik, aber da hier dank Varjo XR Modelle AR durch VR stattfindet, lade ich es mal hier ab. Aber ich muss zugeben, diese Kitchendemo von Varjo sieht nicht schlecht aus... Demo preview: Designing a kitchen in mixed reality The demo is a conceptual demo, made with Unity, designed to show how a kitchen can be visualized and configured in mixed reality. The interior design mixed reality demo builds on technology that has been used to visualize cars in Varjo projects, such as those done with Aston Martin and Volvo. With this kind of application, users can choose parts and design their kitchens before construction has begun, comparing how different materials go together in a photorealistic experience that very closely replicates what the finished kitchen will be like. Weiterlesen →