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Project Bravemind - Palmer Luckey arbeitet an neuer Brille

Dieses Thema im Forum "Weitere VR Brillen" wurde erstellt von roads, 4. Juni 2024.

  1. Die Katze ist aus dem Sack und es ist wie erwartet ein U.S.Army Projekt.

    Turning Soldiers into Superheroes

    As of today, Anduril Industries is taking the reins of the largest project of its kind in history: the United States Army’s Integrated Visual Augmentation System (IVAS) program. For me, this announcement is deeply personal. Since my pre-Oculus days as a teenager who had the opportunity to do a tiny bit of work on the Army’s BRAVEMIND project, I’ve believed there would be a headset on every soldier long before there is a headset on every civilian. Given that America loses more troops in training than combat, the Squad Immersive Virtual Trainer (SiVT) side of IVAS alone has the potential to save more lives than practically anything else we can imagine building. Weiterlesen →